The 2020 Christmas Collection
Sep 16, 2022Have you seen it?! The CBC Christmas Collection is here and Christmas cheer is flying around like tinsel!!! So get out your twinkle lights, pull out your cozy blankets, sip on some cocoa, and get your printer ready! It’s happening!
For as long as I can remember, Christmas has been such a special time of year for me! I always joke that I’m a total elf, but truly, I just love everything about this magical time of year! The warmth, the love, the time around the tree, and twinkle lights in every corner. I love the permission to be savor the sacred moments, but I also enjoy the festivities and seeing friends and family. Most of all, I love pausing to think about how spectacular it must have been when Jesus came into the world to rescue us…can you even imagine being there?! I love the extra opportunities to focus on these moments with my family and remember the magnitude of what it all really means.
This year, Christmas feels even more meaningful….we need it, and it’s time!

I had so much fun with the packaging printables for this collection! There are soooo many options for little cut-outs and stickers to add to your gifts….so so many! It’s so fun and easy to jazz up with simplest of gifts to make a memorable impact. And all you need is a printer and some card stock!

Every time I start working on a new collection, it begins with the art prints! There’s always a vision in my head for those first few pieces, and once I get flowing with those, the entire collection starts falling in line! This Gingerbread Bakery sign was one of the first things I wanted to make. I love all things gingerbread when it comes to decor, especially in the kitchen!

I love all the little extras that end up making a huge decor impact….like this Christmas village! I’ll be doing a full blog post on this soon!!!

How sweet are these stockings?! They became a quick favorite and make such a statement in our home! We are going to use them as an advent calendar, and slip a little scriptures inside the stockings that we will pull out each day! I’ll be showing how to assemble these in another blog post!

So many things I could say about so many things….but for now, enjoy the video and these peeks! I’m gonna be sharing so much with you!!!
Hope y’all are having a great week!!! Make sure you are following along on Instagram and the Facebook Page! So much fun Christmas is coming your way!!! Not a subscriber yet? Click here! It’s the best and most joyful $15 a month you’ll ever spend for yourself, your kids, and all the recipients of gifts you’ll send this year! Your friends and family are gonna be soooo super smiley!!! I can’t wait to see what y’all do!
Ok, get your Christmas cheer on!