Easy Printables to Help Grow Your Garden This Spring
Feb 20, 2023Hey hey! I’m Hannah from over at Our Happy Home! It is so fun to pop over here and share a bit about gardening today! I’ve been gardening off and on for several years but just got really serious about gardening a couple years ago. We live in zone 5 in northern Indiana, and I’ve already started a bunch of my seeds for this year since our growing season is only about 150 days. We are working to grow almost all of our produce (at least, what can be grown in our region - you can bet that I’m still buying avocados and bananas!) and learning to store it to last over the winter as well. It has been so fun to use Christy’s new gardening printables to help grow my garden this year!

First of all, how stinking cute are these seed envelopes! These are perfect for organizing all of your seeds, particularly if you like a coherent look to your seed collection ;) If you save your own seeds from your harvest, these are super handy and way easier to label than using a plastic ziploc bag! And if you share seeds with friends and family (and if you don’t, I totally recommend doing so! It’s a great way to swap varieties and increase your garden without having to buy loads of extra seeds), these are so helpful for keeping track of where the seed came from, when, and which seed it is!

As someone who starts a majority of our seeds inside, these plant tags have been a lifesaver! Y’all, I used to take a sharpie and write on the side of the compostable seed cups. These are way more convenient and cuter! And she even has blank tags, which for someone like me who plants 6 varieties of carrots and some unusual vegetables, these are perfect!

This monthly planting guide keeps track of what you need to plant each month, any supplies you need (wood for raised beds, tomato food, new gardening gloves), and notes (water peppers every Tuesday and Friday, or the last frost date is ___)! These works for all growing zones because you can print out as many months as you need! Whether you start planting in February (like I did!) or in June, these will work for you and your garden.
Something else neat, you can turn these into a gardening journal/record! Just print front and back and use a travelers style journal system (sized 8.5 by 11) where you can slip pages in and fill out as you go! What is so neat is that you can continue to print these out for years and eventually create years worth of gardening records and notes that are specific to what you grow! As someone who needs that physical reminder each year of what works and what didn’t (hello, toddler mom brain!), this is so helpful!

Whether you grow lots of plants in an outdoor garden each year or you grow a few herbs on your kitchen windowsill, these are seriously perfect! So grateful for how easy Christy makes it to make even the tedious, repetitive parts of life so much cuter and more fun!